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Elf Sphere 

Realm of the Elves

The Elf Lords

channelled by Kyria Deva


We the high Elf Lords enter this room, powerfully and radiantly. We are tall and of noble and dignified appearance. A diverse number of beings serve in our elf kingdom: from those that are small and humble to those that are tall and full of wisdom, that nourish and maintain the most monumental of trees.
We founded this kingdom in primeval times. We are of graceful appearance and of noble stature. Noble are our facial features and noble are our thoughts and emotions. We are coming through the ray of creation of the Elohim Lords of Creation in order to care, preserve and pilot the realms of nature, fauna and flora.

Why do you think that humanity can so wonderfully relax in nature and recharge their energy? In untouched nature, where we can work unhindered from the noise and uproar of humanity, where the original essence of nature prevails, where nothing is labelled as weeds but rather where creation can devote itself and unfold, can develop and transform – here is where you can regenerate yourself. We create our realms according to our sense of beauty. These are our paintings. It is art coming out of our hearts which we manifest in nature. It is the outpouring of our hearts. Therefore when a person enters pristine nature, into a landscape where we still have the final say, then this person will be permeated from our realm and we, the divine elves, will touch you. And so you will be permeated by energies that manifest in the aura of the plants. This aura is strong and mighty since they are continually fed by us. We heal creation, the plants and the animals, we flood them all through the primordial creative energy of the Elohim ray. Nature untouched is mighty and powerful.

Every small plant has its specific role, be it so small and insignificant from your point of view. However each weed, each blade of grass, each blossom is attributed with its special importance. The one serves for healing, the other is measured through its sent, colour, beauty and joy. In every plant and in every animal there is a specific wisdom, a special ability and character woven into it by the Creator. It is the inheritance of God that lies in all of creation.

We perpetually connect all beings into the various circular flows and divine order, which in turn are weaved into the overall flow of creation of the Universes.
So you can ask us at any time if you need a special healing herb for a specific issue or for your body. In addition to the consciousness of your organs, your etheric body is able to communicate with us because our healing powers permeate your meridians, acupuncture points and into the cells through the etheric body.

You can imagine it as if our densest body vibrates at the same level as your etheric body, that our densest body matches your etheric body. You can then stretch out the feelers of your etheric body in order to perceive us.

Your physical body is interwoven with the cyclic flow of the entire creation and nature, even if your soul body underlies a different creative radiation. The evolution of the human soul underlies the hierarchy of the angels. We however are custodians of the other realms of creation: we oversee the physical and spiritual evolution of flora and fauna.
The etheric and physical bodies can be touched by us and they benefit from our mystical powers, from our healing frequencies. Ask us and it will be allowed to transpire. You can ask us to transfer the healing powers of the herbs in the homeopathic frequency, in exactly the appropriate light frequency specifically for you.
The physical bodies love to come in contact with us. Humanity with its technical world has cut itself off and lost contact to the light realms of nature. Nonetheless, your physical bodies yearn for this and to once again be reconnected to this cyclic flow.

This Elf Spheres open for you the light portals to the kingdom of the divine elves. They serve you by reintegrating you into the harmony of the divine cycles of nature.

When the high Elohim Creative Lords created the Adam Kadmon light body, a new wave of light souls transcended upon the Earth. We came to Earth with you riding the same Creation Ray. Our decision however was to work in the spiritual creation. You on the other hand decided to completely immerse yourselves into the physical creation. We wanted to stay in the etheric realms in order not to densify so strongly. You wanted to immerse in the physical material and completely become one with physical reality. You wanted to identify yourselves with it.

In the beginning we were One. You were aware of our services. We were aware of your abilities to manifest creation. You were in command of creation and you were more able than we to directly materialize. However you began more and more to identify yourselves with the dense material. Our realm faded more and more out of your consciousness, out of your focus, to the point that you banned our realm to that of fairy tales and fables and no longer sought out our advice. And so your senses became blurred and a deep forgetting overcame your souls. A dark night overcame you. We closed the portals to our realms for this dark night of consciousness could have infected us. Some of us were in fact lured by you and followed you.

Through the re-opening of our portals, these brothers and sisters are allowed to return to our realms of light. We open our portals for those light souls that are like you: light souls that are willing to take the step back into the All-One and wish from deep within their hearts to be One with us again, with the kingdom of the elves.

We were once connected and as one in the heart. We were brothers and sisters of the one Creator. The evolution of us elves went a different way. We wanted to always stay connected with the pure source. We witnessed the darkening with sadness and we retreated into our realm on the Earth. You can feel this of nature when she is enveloped in darkness, for then our blessings are absent.
However, if you are able to regenerate and feel wonderful in an illuminated nature, then you will know that you have been touched by the kingdom of the elves. Everywhere where you take these Elf Spheres with and wherever you place them, you open a portal to the lightful kingdom of the elves. You make it possible, through the love of your heart, to expand our kingdom once again.

Through the lightful unity of our hearts – the hearts of humanity and the elves – we are able to return. We will once again become one and our realms of consciousness will merge with another. The million year old wisdom from us, the high and divine Elf Lords, returns to you. For those who venture to communicate directly with us, we will bestow them with the wisdom of the entire creation, because all realms and elements of nature and creation underlie our lordliness. Even the elements will then obey you, for we are the Lords of Creation.

In former times, the elements, the winds, the waters, even the volcanoes obeyed you. They erupted only when you wished for it, so that new land could be created. They did not pour out uncontrolled by an act of fate but rather you could communicate with the depths of the Earth, with the highest of mountains or with the heavens themselves, just as we are able to do. It was a wonderful interconnectedness and being At-One. This is allowed to happen again, beloved ones. Take us always with when you enter Creation. Erect light portals where you go and stand through a meditative connection of the heart or simply the call from your innermost heart and we will open the portals. You enter once again into your sovereignty and your divine inheritance.

Once we were so deeply connected that each human being had a high ranking elf at their side, to transfer the reign over nature. And this friendship can arise anew. Just as you maintain friendship with the dragons to kindle your Kundalini fire, so should you receive at your side your personal elf of creation or elf lord at your side, to become One again with this lost aspect of your soul.
Ask for reintegration of your elf aspects. The lost aspect of your soul, the lost elf aspect may return.
It is through this elf aspect that you carry the wisdom of fauna and flora within you and the entire earthly creation lies at your feet.

Through this separation, our realm was painfully divided, for the human aspect was missing even for us elves. We belong together since the beginning of time. And so your etheric bodies and your physical bodies will become purer, stronger and more beautiful. With majesty and dignity you will have dominion over nature's realms. If this is your wish, then the elements will obey and your work will not be burdened with so much labour.
And so it is beloved ones. We rejoice at our renewed At-Oneness.

Spiritual View
I see an Elf Temple from the outside. The gates open and in intense, endlessly radiating gold-crystalline light streams out. It is almost physically tangible, like cotton. In the middle of the round temple is pure white and gold: the primordial presence of the goddesses, the purest divine essence of the primordial goddess itself is here.

Suddenly I sense that a lost aspect of myself is here in this elf temple. I ask that this aspect is allowed to reconnect with me and I see the endless soul aspects of humanity behind this veil. They find themselves at the edge of the temple.
The Elf King says: "I have heard your wish. Only the primordial goddesses can pardon you. They then will merge with this aspect in the centre of the Elf Temple and give it back to you in purest, divine harmony."

Then the Elf King accompanies me out. Shortly before leaving, my heart yearns: "I am sorry for everything I have done against creation". At this moment I perceive a large, long blossom, similar to a lily in, which I can go into. I look into it and see a black hole, a narrow dark channel without an apparent end. Hesitant but full of trust, I go in and am immediately pulled into the narrow blackness. Shortly afterwards I emerge on the other side and stand before a wonderful, indescribable sphere: highest, purest crystalline-golden light, of seraphic beauty, clarity, lightness. Gently I can perceive elves off in the distance. I am standing behind a type of glass pane and cannot enter.
The Elf King explains: "No human may enter here. The energies could mix too easily and the elves would be in danger. Yes, here is where the Holy Spirit lives. We pay homage and serve the Holy Spirit. And in turn it fertilizes us. We are in a constant, vibrating exchange."
The elves connect us with the Holy Spirit and the endless possibilities, the endless diversity, creativity. With the essence of the Primordial Goddesses in the centre of the Elf Temple, they help us with manifestation.

And so I thank that Elf King from the bottom of my heart for this insight. He blesses me and says: "Go and be merciful to humanity. Give them grace and the primordial goddesses will also unify with the lost aspects of these humans. Amen."





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